Founded in 2012, Titania is a small business delivering valued services to the federal government in support of their most critical missions. Titania professional services include Operational Intelligence and Training, Healthcare IT, Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Test and Evaluation Services. Our services team is comprised of highly qualified retired military and civilian agency personnel that maintain a deep understanding of government systems, programs and processes. Adhering to established standards and best practices, Titania provides identifiable and repeatable IT services that can be seamlessly integrated into any environment.
Our dedication to excellence coupled with our experience in uniform, in government service, and in building and leading engineering service organizations provides us a unique perspective to address our client’s challenges.
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
In support of this mission, Titania provides Healthcare Quality Reporting System Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid. In conjunction with our federal partners we designed and developed the architecture for the healthcare application Automated Test Frameworks (ATF). Our implementation of a Software Testing Strategy and Governance for all development contractors and programs under the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)/ Health Care Quality Information System (HCQIS) became the standard for testing for the agency including over 30 Information Systems Group (ISG) quality reporting applications. Our work on the Integrated Testing Model and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) articulates all the policies and procedures for all contractors within the program. We were responsible for the establishment of the Integrated Testing Model and the SOPs ensured commonality of testing processes for 3 other development contracts and over 10 other contractors. AS a follow-on to the implementation of the integrated testing model and standard operating procedures, Titania performed formal Audits and courtesy Gap Analyses to assist other program contractors to improve compliance with policies and procedures. To keep the CMS leadership informed, we also developed a dashboard illustrating compliance with established policies/procedures. Titania team members serve and vote on several CMS governance boards including the CMS HCQIS Governance Steering Committee (GSC) and working groups articulating stakeholder requirements for configuration, quality, and regulatory compliance.
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Contracts
Strategic Partners Acquisition Readiness Contract (SPARC)
In June 2016, Titania was awarded a multi-year contract to deliver IT professional services to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) as well as other Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) agencies under the $25B multi-award, IDIQ Strategic Partners Acquisition Readiness Contract (SPARC) contract. Titania won awards within the Small Business, Woman-Owned, and Service Disabled Veteran-Owned socioeconomic categories. The contract includes a base ordering period of 5 years plus an optional ordering period for an additional 5 years and can be employed by any agency within HHS Services provided under the vehicle closely align to software development life cycle stages to include requirements management as well as application design, development, testing, and on-going sustainment.
Service Categories under the SPARC IDIQ contract include:
- Initiation, Concept, and Planning Services
- Requirements Services
- Design Services
- Development Services
- Test Services
- Security Control Assessment (SCA) Services
- Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) Services
- Maintenance Services
- SPARC Support Services
- Data Request Services
Contract Number: HHSM500201600070I
Task Order Types: FFP, CPAF, CPIF, T&M
Federal Aviation Administration
Our continuing mission is to provide the safest, most efficient aerospace system in the world. Under the broad umbrella of safety and efficiency, we have several major roles:
- Regulating civil aviation to promote safety
- Encouraging and developing civil aeronautics, including new aviation technology
- Developing and operating a system of air traffic control and navigation for both civil and military aircraft
- Researching and developing the National Airspace System and civil aeronautics
- Developing and carrying out programs to control aircraft noise and other environmental effects of civil aviation
- Regulating U.S. commercial space transportation
Titania supports the FAA in achieving its mission and goals by providing IT Services and program management support to the Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Integration Office. Titania was chosen to support the agency in achieving its congressionally mandated establishment of six UAS Test Sites across the United States. These test sites conduct research and testing to inform the FAA on how to safely integrate UAS into the National Airspace System (NAS). In support of the Test Sites, Titania developed the Mission Logging System (MLS), The MLS provides the FAA the ability to collect, analyze and report, operational flight data as well as associated research information. The system also provides tools the test sites use to manage quarterly and annual reporting. Dynamically generated metrics and dashboards are a key component of the MLS and they provide real-time operational reporting to senior FAA executives on a weekly basis. Additionally, Titania also developed the Research Portfolio Management System (RPMS) and Research Inventory Mapping (RIM) System. The FAA and external research partners such as the Department of Defense (DoD), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), universities, and other federal agencies use the RPMS and RIM to automate the process of assigning, tracking, reviewing, approving, storing, and searching for FAA research projects. In addition to developing IT systems and tools, Titania provides the UAS Integration Office with program support including business process definition and engineering management, development of analysis and metrics tools and techniques, and in managing the day-to-day activities associated with the rapidly evolving rules, policy, and laws relating to the public and civil operation of UAS.
Federal Aviation Administration Contracts
FAA Accelerated and Simplified Tasks (eFAST)
eFAST is the FAA’s preferred contracting vehicle for small business contracts. eFAST streamlines the procurement process for all stakeholders using a web-based acquisition tool and automated workflows compliant with applicable FAA standards.
Under Titania’s eFAST Master Ordering Agreement (MOA), Titania is qualified and eligible to participate in the procurement process for contract awards for the following Functional Areas:
- Business Administration & Management (BAM)
- Engineering Services (ES)
- Computer Systems Support (CSS)
- Computer/Information Systems Development (CSD)
- Documentation & Training (D&T)
Contract Number: DTFAWA17A-00044
Period of performance: September 9, 2017 to September, 30, 2024.
Task Order Types: FFP, Cost Reimbursable, T&M, Labor Hour
United States Army
Titania supports the United States Army mission in several areas with targeted expertise. In support of the Army Intelligence Campaign Initiatives Group (AI-CIG) we provide technical and analytical cybersecurity expertise and associated intelligence disciplines including Measurement and Signal Intelligence (MASINT), Signals Intelligence, (SIGINT), Imagery Intelligence (IMINT), and Counter Intelligence/Human Intelligence (CI/HUMINT). We provide sustainment and development support of the Automated Assessment Tool, the Military Intelligence Investment Strategy (MI2S) decision support system, and the Force Development Investment Information System (FDIIS). We provided strategic and technical level assessments and strategies in the area of cyber offensive and defensive tactics and techniques to AI-CIG. Our staff includes cyber experts who are regular level one lecturers on the cybersecurity speaking circuit.
Titania possesses superior capabilities and competencies delivering world-class operational intelligence and training support. Our expert intelligence analysts, harvest and handle the collection of daily reporting from military ground units supporting real-world missions, and provide research and analysis support to the Army’s Human Terrain System. Titania is critically involved in designing, developing, and integrating training events and solutions in support of the U.S. Army Intelligence Center of Excellence (USAICoE), Training & Doctrine Command’s (TRADOC) G2, and Army units in garrison. Titania’s Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and software engineers deliver exceptional research, study, analysis, development, and integration of products, encompassing the training information infrastructure, materials, services, and facilities to enable training that develops and sustains Soldier and Leader competence across all training domains. Our experienced SMEs include professionals with international, joint, and coalition experience; specialized SMEs from academia; nationally published Cyber experts; skilled all source analysts; and combat arms experts. We deliver unmatched distinctive and valuable knowledge and skills. Titania’s training cadre provide a flexible application of industry best practice and Department of Defense (DoD) instructional methodology using government approved instructional systems design models, automated tools, and a variety of Learning Management Systems. Our approach identifies strengths and weaknesses resulting in clear courses of action for sustained training success. Titania provides supported elements of DoD and the Intelligence Community with quality instruction and agile ability to adapt to rapid changes in educational approaches while continuing to meet the needs for developing and sustaining highly competent, resilient, and adaptive DoD intelligence professionals. Additionally, Titania provides support to the Joint Counter-Intelligence Training Academy (JCITA).
United States General Services Administration
Deliver value and savings in real estate, acquisition, technology, and other mission-support services across government.
US General Services Administration Contracts
GSA IT Schedule 70
Contract Number: GS-35F-280CA
GSA Schedule 70 is the most widely used acquisition vehicle in the federal government. Schedule 70 is an IDIQ contract administered by the Federal Supply Service of the General Services Administration. As a GSA contractor under FSS Schedule 70, Titania may provide an array of IT products and services, including software, professional and electronic commerce services, training, and equipment. Any agency of the U.S. Government may take advantage of Schedule 70 task orders to secure products and services in a variety of skill areas, including systems analysis, design, and installation; programming; and integrated logistics support.
GSA Professional Services Schedule
Contract Number: GS-00F-093GA
The Professional Services Schedule (PSS) is an IDIQ multiple award schedule, providing direct access to simple or complex fixed-price or labor-hour professional services. As a GSA PSS contractor, Titania can provide business consulting, professional engineering, and training services. Using the streamlined procurement procedures via the Federal Supply Schedules, PSS offers all federal agencies access to Titania’s schedule. The PSS consists of seven formerly separate schedules that were consolidated in 2015 to give federal agencies the ability to obtain total contract solutions for their professional services requirements using one contract vehicle.
A. Jones Tallent
President and Chief Executive Officer
John C. Hibbert
General Manager
Jordyn Simoes
VP, Contracts – Shared Services
Gerald (Gerry) McIntyre
VP, Healthcare
Kyle Brumby
Chief Strategy and Growth Officer
John Hathaway
VP, Advanced Technology
A. Tom Maas
VP, Intelligence & Defense
Sandra Bulgin
VP, Human Resources